I recommend Chill Dog…

At first, I was skeptical and thought that Chill Dog was a collection of lovely music that mainly made people feel better about leaving their dogs alone. I thought it would do no harm, but I was unsure that it would work. I have been playing this disc on repeat when I leave the house for over a week now, and I am very happy that my doubts were proven wrong. My dog is still very excited when I come home, but he doesn’t scratch at the door as I unlock it, and he doesn’t jump on me as soon as I hit the threshold. I actually can take two seconds to put my purse down before petting my pup! I have also noticed that the mat near my front door is not rumpled up and disturbed lately; I can only assume that he is less crazy in the foyer these days. I enjoy the music, and am now playing it in the house during the hour that the mail carrier is most likely to deliver. I recommend Chill Dog. I believe that it really does have a relaxing effect on my Charlie.