For many owners who leave their pets home alone, it is a common practice to leave a radio playing for them.

To most of us, the idea of playing music for pets sure beats the idea of leaving them alone in many hours of silence, even if they will simply spend the majority of their day sleeping.

Can anyone say with assuredness, however, that their pets appreciate the radio station chosen for them? How would we know?

Music was present in the lives of the Cro-Magnon and Neanderthal races as evidenced by the ancient flutes found among the many artifacts. The ancient origins of music predate human language, which only makes sense as language was a process that only evolved over time. Music, however, has clearly been present among humans and animals as known in the compositions of the whales and the complex rhythmic birdsong symphonies. There has been plenty of evidence for us to appreciate that animals are sentient beings, and as such, are able to receive tremendous benefit from the music for pets that humans may provide.

Swedish shepherdesses use a style of singing, called kulning, for the purpose of communicating with their cattle herds.

British scholars have proved that playing Beethoven’s Pastoral Symphony to milking cows increased production.

Zoos have found that certain pieces of music provide a means of keeping the chimpanzees, apes and gorillas more at ease. Animal shelters and kennels know that music provides a peaceful, calming effect for the animals who must stay there.

While more study are needed to definitively state what constitutes the ‘right’ kind of music for a given species of animal, there is sufficient evidence to show that music is beneficial, particularly when corresponding to the rhythm of the heart rate as well as facilitating a sympathetic tonal range for each species and breed of animal. Music for pets can deliver the soothing relief that keeps them happy and healthy and appreciating your thoughtful selections.